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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

40 and Faboulous

Well I finally found my blog! I forgot that i renamed it The Underwood Family Blog instead of Morgans miracle. Actually my hubby found it for me, I know I am crazy! Anyway, I turned 40 years old on yesterday. I cannot believe i am 40, it just doesn't seem real. Isn't amazing how fast time flies by! It seems like yesterday that i was outside swimming in my pool or at the pool Hall hanging out with friends, and then all of a sudden i am 40. I had a great bday weekend! I decided that i wanted an actual party for my big 40 because i never get a party. So we had my family and friends drop by my house in bossier for cake and ice cream and they actually brought me cards and presents. I was really surprised cause i didn't expect presents. My aunt gave me a picture of my mom when she was in 10th grade and it made me cry, I was overcomed with emotion because I was really wishing she was there with me and for her to give me that picture just made the realization that she was only there in memory and not in personm that much more real. So i cried and then moved on. I know she was looking down from heaven and she was smiling at her baby girl turning the big 40, My favorite memory of my mom was when she was sick in the hospital about a month before she passed away, I was standing at the end of her bed and she had a feeding tube down her nose and she looked at me and uttered the word "angel" I looked around and said, mom what r u talking about and she said "your an angel" I will never forget that memory as long as i can, It was indicitive of the kind of women she was, she always gave people the benefit of the doubt. I miss her so much it hurts, but i know one day i will see her smiling face again and that keeps me going. Anyways, back to my party, my hubby surprised me with the best gift ever, a trip to hawaii in May. I was not expecting that so it was quite a shock! I am so excited! I have been wanting to go to Hawaii since we got married 18 years ago. We used to take timeshare tours and they would always ask where your dream vacation would be, and i would always say, Hawaii, and then i would say, "one day I am going there". Well my dream is finally coming true, now i just have to figure out how i am going to survive 3 flights there and 3 flights back, because I hate to fly and have a severe fear of flying, but i am going to make myself do it!

Then after we finished up with cake and presents we met some friends of ours and our family at Shogun. I was so happy to have everyone with me celebrating my big 40 at Shogun. It was a blast! Then the partying continued at my church on Sunday night. When I drove into the parking lot, they had a sign in my spot that said, "slow, senior crossing' well me being the rebel that i am went and parked in another spot! Then when I got into the church I noticed that everyone was dressed in black as if they were attending a funeral. Then i was informed that i did not dress for the occasion, which was my people have jokes! They did an awesome job of decorating our kitchen and my cake was off the chain, even though it did have alot of old jokes on it. Overall i have to say, it was an awesome bday weekend and I could get used to having bday parties at my old age.

So as I start a new year of officially on the downhill slope into old age, I have decided to embrace it and start doing things that I am uncomfortable with and forcing my self to enjoy life. We only have one shot in this life and we need to make the most of it and overcome our fears and the things that are holding us back from being happy! My motto is going to be "40 is the new 20"

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