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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Update on Morgan and life

So I took Morgan to the ENT Dr. yesterday, June 22, 2011 and I must say it was one of the most interesting Dr visits I have ever had with him. Morgan has never been a good Patient, because of his hyper activity and the fact that he is sick of Dr. it always makes for a very stressful event. I almost hyperventilate at the thought of taking him to the Dr. Within minutes, i always get the "boy, he is one hyper kid, you have got your hands full with him" comment. I am used to that, and totally understand it, but this Dr. shocked me with his comments. So after the grueling 10 minute evaluation, which consisted of me and donnie holding morgan down so the Dr. could exam him and morgan denouncing his displeasure by screaming in a very loud voice, the Dr. finished the exam and then he asked in a blatant voice "so, what is his story, what is wrong with his brain" After the initial shock of his statement wore off, i said..."nothing is wrong with his brain, he was 1pd when he was born and thankfully we had no brain bleeds or anything wrong with his brain, he is just extremely hyper and is like a crack baby due to the meds he was on. Then he asked again, "what is wrong with his brain, does he have Down Syndrome" well that really got me going, and i almost cried, but i held it together and my husband explained the "crack baby" theory to him again. He was actually shocked that Nothing was wrong with his brain. So he told us that Morgan needed tubes in both ears and they would schedule the surgery. The surgery is on July 25th and i can't wait to get those tubes, because i am hoping it will end his ear infection roll he is currently on. Anyways, i left there so upset that this Dr. thought my precious baby had brain damage just because he was very hyper and out of control. I told him he hasn't had a nap and it was 2pm, I'm not sure what he expected.

Anyways, I am over that and am just ready to get the surgery over with. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees how much extra meds the Anesthesiologist has to give morgan to knock him out, maybe then he will see that mogan is a true "crack baby". So after we left the office, morgan was still very fussy, which isn't unusual, but he was crying so bad, and he felt hot, so i checked his temp and of course he was running 103.9 fever. Great! Just left the dr. office and he has to wait til nighttime to get sick. Anyways, i called the ENT back and he put him on Bactrium and Prednizone BID...that is twice a day, i have to get meds down this boy...yall all know he hates meds..luckily, i got it flavored and so far he has taken them ok. YAY!

So today, my hubby and i went to eat at a Buffett, and took morgan with us. Well i went into the bathroom to change his diaper and was shocked to find that his scrotum was swollen. Yuck! Not what you wanna see! So, i called his Urologist and went by to let him look at it. He told us that Morgan may have another hernia or either fluid was building up in there. Either one seemed painful. So we have an ultrasound scheduled on Monday to find out what it is. Praying it is fluid and that he isn't going to have to have another surgery on his groin. When we got home morgan was hysterical and running around throwing fits, and when i changed his diaper he acted like it was hurting him, so i gave him motrin and he settled down. We dropped him off to spend a coupld of nights with his brother, Mack at Verlene's house, so me and Donnie could go to Baton Rouge for his Red Cross meeting in peace. I need a break from this child more than anyone could ever imagine. He is with me constantly and never leaves my side. He is like a tick on a as we all know..tick bites can hurt. I love this baby boy more than anything, but i have to be honest when i say, If i don't get a break from him every now and then, i will have to check myself in Brentwood. I wish i had a video that followed me around everyday, so people could really understand how stressful a child like morgan is. Of course he is worse for me than anyone else, but i guess that doesn't help me any.

But on that note, I will try and remember that things can always be worse, and I have to count my blessings. In the Dr.'s office today, I met a lady and her 7 year old daughter, and was reminded of that saying. This young girl sat there with her mother, so sweet and cute, and then i noticed her cute embroided bag, and out of it was a long tube that i knew was a cathether. So i struck up a conversation with the mother, (I could do this because donnie had morgan in the stroller, pushing him in the and I had overheard that she is graduating in December and it appeared to be in nursing, so i asked her about it, and sure enough she will be graduating from Grambling in December in Nursing and she has been going to school for 6 years, just like me. So we were talking and she started telling me about how her daughter was born with only one kidney, and no nerves on her kidney or intestines. She has has 40 surgeries in her short 7 years and has a feeding tube, cath, and had an illostomy. So we were sharing our "horrible kid stories" and i told her about morgan having MRSA in his blood and she told me that her daughter is now in Renal Failure due to contracting MRSA in a Dallas hospital. Talk about one upping was as if, every bad thing that i said about morgan, she had a worse situation with her daughter. It was as if God, sent her to me, to remind me that "while I may have it rough, it could b a lot rougher" The mother has taken on the role of a hero in my mind, because, here she is with a child, who needs a miracle from God, or else probably will not live a long full life, and she is graduating Nursing School. I asked her how she did it and she said, "I just kept on going, and now i am almost thru" WoW! You have no idea how many times, i have said, I can't be a nurse, because i have morgan and he is way to hard to raise and i won't be able to put the effort i need into my nursing..excuse, after excuse as to why i can't do it. Well, i have a different outlook after talking with this lady today. If she can drive an hour everyday for 6 years, with a child as sick as hers, then i can do it too. No more excuses...i just gotta do it! Ok. I am tired of typing now. I am going to start updating my blog more, for me than anyone else cause i want to remember these things, and this is a great outlet for get these feelings off my chest....have a great night everyone!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cool. Posting from my phone. Yay

My life as of June 2011

Well, once again i forgot all about my blog so i guess i am just not the blogging type. But i finally found it and thought i would write some about the last couple of months for the underwood family. I really hope to start blogging alot more because it is a great way to document things in your life that you do not want to forget. Not sure i like this blogging site to good, so i might just use my myspace blog instead, but i can't figure out how to link either one to my FB page. Anyways, where do i begin.

Well when school was out, we headed for our first vacation of the summer, to Los Angelos California. We left morgan with verlene and took the older boys. We flew there, which was another story for another time. But overall we had a great time. We were there for 10 days and we went to Disney, Universal Studios, and California Adventures. The weather was awesome! I got my first Louis Vuitton purse..and only paid $50 bucks for them. I followed a guy to his car which was quite and experience. When we got back to get Morgan he was shocked to see us. I think he thought we were never coming back. He had this weird look on his face, then he came and hugged me so tight. I felt horrible leaving him, and i cried that whole day. I was so happy to be back home with him, but he wound up keeping me up for the next week every night because he has another ear infection. That would make the third one he had had since february.

The next mini vacation that we took was to two different places. Donnie took the older kids to washington DC and me and morgan went with my cousins and sheree to Hot Springs ar. for a couple of days. We had a great time in hot springs. Morgan did really well and he even let debbie babysit him all day and she said he was so good. Mack complained the whole time he was in DC, he sent me a text that said, "im about to blow myself up" lol..he was so tired and didn't like the fact he had to walk alot. Can't say i blame him, which is why i stayed home and didn't go. They had a good time there and saw alot of neat stuff, so i am glad they got to go.

The news for the day is that I took morgan to the ENT dr. today and he has to have tubes in both ears and he is now running a 103.9 temp. I am calling the dr. in the morning to see what i need to do to make him better. I am so upset the my peditrician wasn't concerned about his ears and thankfully his pulmo dr. wanted him to be seen by the ENT. I had a feeling he would need tubes, so i am glad we know now. I have alot more to say, but i am tired and need to go to bed. At least i now have it documented where we went for summer vacations in summer